Throughout the course of life we are constantly faced with challenges & tribulations that were and could possibly still be hard to deal with. Some times we progresses through it favorably with a sense of accomplishment, other times the outcome was not so favorable. Either way as long as we are able to reflect on that situation I feel as though you come out stronger more prepared for the next challenge. In my opinion you can’t really succeed until you have failed a few times.
Speaking on a more personal note, sometimes when the challenge I'm faced with seems unmanageable I think back to the time before that. I think, okay I said the same thing last time, and look I'm here now to talk about it. I know in the past if I have truly set my mind to something I was able to get it done. So my mentality is to face those challenges with some confidence and optimism. I try to put good energy out there knowing I am willing to do what I have to do to accomplish a favorable outcome. In my mind... I always have a shot
So whatever you are being face with right now in this very moment, just know you got this, you’ve been here before!
““Learning is a gift, even when PAIN is your teacher!””